Monday, July 7, 2008

Weekend Update

It's been an interesting weekend here at the Zoo. Recent happenings included: Monkey's umbilical cord stump fell off, he grew into the newborn diapers, he slept for 3 straight hours at night and attended both his first party and his first funeral. While we are enjoying our time together as a new family we are so sad about losing Grandma Kathy. She was a dear, dear friend to both the Zookeepers and a huge fan of Monkey long before he existed. We are very grateful that she and Monkey were able to meet each other even though their time here only overlapped by a few days. Please keep Grandma Kathy's family in your prayers.

We regret that we don't have new photos to post, but we hope you'll understand. We hope to have some more to post later this week, when we hope Monkey will have moved into his cloth diapers. We're waiting for his belly button to heal up a little bit more. So we are good on diapers now, but we could still use food and/or magazines if you are so inclined.