For example, Monkey's pediatrician is a very intelligent and highly educated woman. How do we know? Not by her resume alone, that's for sure. Perhaps it is the way she refers to Monkey: "textbook perfect" (his weight gain) "the best I've seen" (his belly button) "so adorable" (his overall state of wellness). Yes, it's true, these are statements of cold, hard fact. Monkey's weight gain is textbook perfect. As of our visit last Thursday, he had grown to a hefty 7 pounds which moves him from the 5th to the 10th percentile, and puts him within reach of the weight of an 'average' newborn. While still wearing his preemie wardrobe, we are glad to see that it takes a little stretching to snap those last snaps now. His belly button is completely healed and adorable in addition to being one of the best belly buttons our doctor has witnessed. Our doctor is part of the local university medical group, so there was a student shadowing her during our visit. After listening to Monkey's heart, the student was instructed to take careful notice of how clear and lovely Monkey's skin is, which is also unusual in a baby his age. (We were instructed to take pictures now while it lasts.) So, all in all, it is clear that Monkey's pediatrician is a highly astute and perceptive lady who knows what she is talking about. We will see her again on his 1 month birthday for another update on his progress.
To celebrate this excellent check up, Monkey journeyed to the south to meet some very important people. Here is Monkey with both of his great-grandmas:
The pictures are a little fuzzy because it is sometimes hard to hold Monkey and not rock. He's just that snuggly. Here at the zoo our bedtime rocking is accompanied by Rudyard Kipling's Just So Stories. Judging by the contented pacifier sucking, we think that Monkey is enjoying them very much.
Yes, in case you're wondering, we are getting a little punchy over here.