Just FYI for those new to the blogosphere: if you click on any of the pictures on the blog they will get bigger.
Not much new to report, except that Monkey now has insurance and a lot of official government-type documentation to prove that he exists. He very much likes to chew on his hands or a pacifier or his lower lip. We are having some issues with keeping him in diapers as he needs the preemie size but the absorbency of the newborn size. There were several Houdini-like incidents before we figured this out. He's still too little to wear his cloth diapers, unfortunately. The clothes he's sporting in these photos are part of the preemie wardrobe Grandma and Grandpa T and Aunt B brought to the hospital.
In case you were wondering about the other animals at the zoo, Dog is doing reasonably well (he's a little too interested in the trash) and was excellently cared for by Friend E and Aunt A while we were in the hospital. Now that we are home he is getting special exercise time with Friend L, for which we are very, very grateful. So don't worry that he is being cruelly neglected.
We have been asked frequently what we need right now, and the list is quite short: food, someone to mow the lawn, preemie diapers, and glossy (girly) magazines. Other than that we are pretty well set. Thanks so much to everyone who has brought over food already! It is very much appreciated.