August Henry arrived by c-section at 12:40 p.m. on Saturday, June 21. He weighed 5 lbs, 8 oz and measured 18.25 inches long. Mrs. ZooKeeper wasn't feeling well towards the end of the week, and it turns out she had a little complication called pre-eclampsia. This is potentially dangerous for both mothers and babies and in our case, quite, quite painful, and the only cure is to not be pregnant anymore. We were admitted to the hospital around 2:45 a.m. on Saturday. They started a pitocin induction Saturday morning and unfortunately Monkey did not tolerate that well at all - leaving us with only one way out: the OR. Needless to say this was not the birth we had planned, but it was the only birth that would bring us all home healthy. The procedure itself went smoothly and while Mrs. ZooKeeper continued to demonstrate her talent for new and interesting symptoms, Monkey did beautifully and had many indicators that pregnancy was not the best place for him at this time. Here in the outside world he is doing amazingly well, although he is a twee little peanut. Mr. ZooKeeper did very well and cut a dashing figure in his OR scrubs:
So our little family is doing well and progressing according to schedule, although quite sore and tired. We will be in the hospital through Tuesday assuming that things continue as they have been, and will need some time before we are ready to welcome visitors. We'll continue to update the blog so you all can see how we're doing.