Meanwhile, in other cousin hijinks, RHCR and Monkey started preschool together this week. They were the only children arriving at 8:59:45, (school begins at 9) further proof that a tendency toward night-owlism is genetic and to be taken very seriously.

Granola bars, the breakfast of champions.

I didn't tell him to hide it, he just did. Future model.

I did have to ask him to smile.

Believe it or not, this is actually the picture submitted for his 'All About Me' project. I actually had printed out wallets and a single of him smiling nicely, but his teacher didn't have one for RHCR so she took this one and is going to split it up. Naturally I had just printed this particular picture out because I thought it was super goofy and funny... never intending it to be his first 'at school' picture.
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