As you may have heard, our State Fair recently
experienced a tragedy. It seems like we should say something, but it's hard to find the words to describe something so close to home and yet impersonal. We are very sad, and very proud to be Hoosiers.
Friday, Monkey and Mrs. Z went to celebrate the last day of summer before Monkey starts preschool by spending the day at the Fair. The weather was great and we had a good time. We'll be back on Tuesday night for the horse pull.

The annual pork burger meal, where Monkey followed tradition and ate 2 bites of the burger but all of the apple sauce and many of the chips.

Mrs. Z paid $1 for an up close and personal introduction to calf digestive distress. Poor cows.

Monkey loved the piggies. Total highlight.

The aftermath of piggy petting. Unidentified fluid leaking around the pen. Classic.

Mrs. Z couldn't explain why people kept yelling 'Boiler Up!' as we rode around on the Purdue train at the fair, except to say that in our family we say 'IU'! The Boilermakers on the train were very kind, let us ride for free, and did not question our matriculation credentials.
IU recruiters, please take note: you are going to have to step up your game if you'd like to enroll this promising young student.
The calliope is no match for trains.

FFA tries to recruit him to agribusiness. There are big trucks!