We're more than a little out of date and out of order around here, but we are endeavoring to catch up. To make the rest of this week's posts make sense, we have to time travel backward a little bit. Last month Aunt M married Uncle A and Monkey was the intrepid ring bearer. This was a little more complicated than his last ring bearing gig in October for Uncle M and Aunt A* since Redheaded Cousin R was carrying some flowers at the same time and he actually got to pull a
train. On the other hand, it was outside, not as formal, and the aisle was shorter. So. It went very well. Our dear friend
Katie Landes was the photographer for day, and she did a fantastic job getting pictures of Monkey and RHCR (and all those other people too).
*Ha! Just try keeping this all straight when there are tiny tuxedos involved!

What a stud!!!
I want to know how you got a little boy in all those tuxedo pieces? vest, shirt and jacket!
Thanks! He actually likes to dress up, I think. He really likes to wear his "person shoes", perhaps because they inflict more damage mid-tantrum? That vest was a disaster all on its own though - no way was it anywhere near a 3T. Totally covered up the tie. Word to wise, Men's Wearhouse.
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