Last week, Monkey turned 22 months old. Here is a rundown on his most recent stats:
Weight: 21 lbs, 1 oz (still below the 5th percentile)
Height: 32.25" (past the 10th percentile and heading for the 25th!)
What He's Into:
- Playgrounds and outside time
- Forward rolls
- Walking bikes (still can't reach the pedals)
- Throwing and kicking balls
- Two footed jumping (mostly into Mrs. Z's plants)
- Identifying letters (secret: they are all B, D, R, I or U. Always.)
- Driving trucks, cars, and white-out wheels all over everything
- TRAINS. Nothing starts the day like hearing 'Choo Choo!' before 7 a.m.
- Definitively choosing the left hand over the right
- Outgrowing his shoes in a record 4 months
- Climbing into (but so far, never out of) his crib
- His crib buddies: Curious George, Boy, Gorilla, and Tickle Me Elmo
- Watching Elmo, playing Elmo, reading Elmo, his Elmo toothbrush, etc. etc.
- 'Zombie Baby': he licks your face. You scream, "Oh no! Zombie Baby! Don't eat me!"
Such a big boy! The people who created Elmo created some sort of frequency that hypnotizes toddlers.
You are so right. I would not be surprised if at some point they find that Elmo's been feeding them subliminal messages all along. 'Eat paste! Draw on the walls! Reject vegetables!'
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