Friday, September 19, 2008

Three months and counting...

We've been trying to capture Monkey's most adorable and exciting moments - and failing miserably, as you might guess if you just watched that riveting (ha ha) video. I have no idea how to add some more... interesting background music to that video, but I guess we can console ourselves with the most excellent sound effects performed by Mr. Zookeeper. When I first watched the video I assumed it was more boring news in the background (Banks are failing! Politicians lie! Doom and Gloom!) but listening again it sounds like a discussion of mojo by someone who sounds like Orson Welles. So, um, yeah. No idea what we were watching.*

So. As you have just witnessed, Monkey very much likes to fly. He would spend whole evenings airborne if we had the wrist strength for that kind of activity. He's been having some rough times with his reflux lately, and we think he likes the counterpressure on his chest as well as the clear superiority of space travel. He's been on a different medicine for about a week and we are starting to see some improvement. Last week he weighed 11 pounds and 4 ounces, which is more than double his birthweight! Most babies double their birthweight between four and six months, so he is ahead of schedule. He has also grown another inch or so (he was pretty squirmy) so it is safe to say he is over 22 inches long. We have a couple of 3-6 month outfits for fall that he has been wearing, but he can still wear most of his newborn clothes if he has a disposable diaper on (as he might if we are going out for an extended type outing). Very exciting.

He's discovered the fun and excitement of fitting his entire hand in his mouth, and has been more interested in his rattles and his hanging toys (see below). Continuing with the standing, of course, as he is a world champion stander. We just borrowed some exersaucers from our friends and can't wait until he fits in them! He is a gold medal contender in the bath time olympics, and still sad that the pools are closed. Not much luck in the sitting unassisted department, but we're still working on it.

It is hard to believe that three whole months have gone by since Monkey's arrival - he is growing so fast! He even has his own library card now!

*Figured it out - a most excellent television series by Joss Whedon. Genius! Extra points to anyone who can guess which series, and bonus points for identifying the people speaking!

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