We have momentous news to announce! On two separate occasions, Monkey has slept for five hours in a row.
FIVE HOURS IN A ROW. Our brilliant physician informed us that between 10 and 12 pounds most babies will start sleeping in four or five hour stretches. We're not ashamed to say that when we had that conversation with her we laughed, as Monkey had never slept more than three hours and didn't seem inclined to extend that. But lo and behold he's gone and done it, twice!, at just over ten pounds. We've looked for a relationship between these two events, and both days we saw Grandpa Terry. We're pretty sure he didn't slip him anything, but we're more than willing to repeat the experiment and find out.
The not so great news is that these big stretches are generally his first sleep of the night, which begins somewhere between 9:00 and 10:00 every night. Being a nocturnal creature herself, Mrs. Zookeeper usually has a lot to do after Monkey goes to bed, so she isn't getting the benefit of the longer sleep yet. After his longer sleep he goes back to his three hour pattern, and we're back to 2 hours by the time Mr. Zookeeper is getting ready for work. So we're still up a fair amount. But there may be some light at the end of the tunnel. If he's done it twice he can do it again!
Here is Monkey with the man of the hour:

With Great Uncle L:

Great Grandma M: