With all of our new explorings and adventurings, it was time for some shoes that could handle rougher terrain. Monkey is very interested in shoes in general right now, sometimes even bringing shoes to the Zoo Keepers to put on or take off as the moment requires. Monkey was a total champ at the store, holding out his foot for the shoes and gleefully running around the store when asked. We were very pleased to find some that fit, although his left foot is a little bit bigger than his right for the time being. This is pleasing because he still is too skinny for his 9 month jeans, although they are fine lengthwise. He is shaping up into a string bean. Reminds us of someone....

He is also the proud new owner of a fantastic black eye. This excellent badge of courage can be yours too - just throw yourself haphazardly at various pieces of living room furniture and pets. There is no room for fear in this zoo.