Yesterday, Monkey weighed in at 16 lbs, 12.6 oz and just over 27" tall. This is a good gain from our last visit to the gastroenterologist, but they were not very impressed. The good news is that his head is still in the 10th percentile, so those brains are growing right on track. We are continuing on our reflux meds, supplements and high calorie foods for the time being and we will see them again in 2 months and our regular doctor in one month.
In the meantime, we are very very busy conducting experiments, such as unrolling all the toilet paper, unspooling the dental floss, splashing in the Dog bowl, and throwing things on the floor from various heights and positions. If you look carefully in the video you might be able to see our latest project: front teeth! From the looks of his gums, it's about to get a lot more crowded in there.
Thank you for teaching us some new tricks, Aunt B!